Grace Cathedral – San Francisco
Houchen Retreat Centre – Hamilton
Centennial Park – Sydney
6 metre portable labyrinth
Useful links
A directory of locations, accessibility and site contact details for New Zealand labyrinths.
The Worldwide Labyrinth Locator
Veriditas is dedicated to inspiring personal and planetary change and renewal through the labyrinth experience.
Anne and Glenn Conroy from Active Sage are Veriditas Trained Labyrinth Facilitators.
The Labyrinth Society, is an international group of labyrinth enthusiasts whose mission is to support all those who create, maintain and use labyrinths, and to serve the global community by providing education, networking and opportunities to experience transformation.
Founded by Jeff and Kimberly Saward in 2000, Labyrinthos provides a resource for the study of mazes and labyrinths, and has an extensive photographic and illustration library and archive.
Searching for enlightenment or just a scenic walk? Look for a labyrinth. Hiding in backyards, standing guard below a mountain, resting on the edge of a beach, shrouded by trees deep in the forest: Labyrinths can be found all over the world.
Our vision. A world in which the labyrinth is widely used as a spiritual tool to nurture and empower peace, harmony, healing, and understanding for ourselves and others, individually and collectively.
A long established British source of finger labyrinths and other portable options.
A Facebook page just about British Labyrinths.