Our services
Publicly accessible labyrinths in New Zealand are few and far between, so it’s not surprising that many people we meet have never heard of them, let alone walked one. We are on a mission to change that!
Active Sage have portable labyrinths available that we take into the community to enable anyone to discover the many benefits of walking a labyrinth. As trained “labyrinth facilitators” we are able to safely guide and instruct users on how to engage with any labyrinth and to get the most out of the experience.
An Active Sage Portable Labyrinth Experience is very easy to arrange.
Typically we need an indoor space with a hard floor area of 7x7 metres (6 metre labyrinth plus an access margin of 1 metre all round) to lay down the unique design Active Sage labyrinth. Additional space is needed as presentation and (optional) workshop area. You will provide a suitable venue, publicise the event and provide refreshments (optional) for the participants, we take care of everything else.
Suitable for groups of up to 20 people within a two hour period. Whilst walking our 6 metre labyrinth is a personal journey that takes approximately 15 minutes, we do need to be mindful of allowing “personal space” so that there is no time pressure placed on the walker.
Whilst we can provide an open (but facilitated) walk to people just passing through and wanting to “give it a go”, we do recommend the workshop approach. There is more time to gain a deeper understanding of the labyrinth, its history, how to create your own for personal use or to share with family and friends.
Children seem to instinctively “know” that walking a labyrinth is a good thing to do. We have a smaller 4 x 4 metre portable version (lovingly referred to as ‘junior’) available. This can also be used by adults if available floor space is limited, but the narrower path is really more suited to child size feet.
We can offer innovative solutions to create temporary labyrinth installations in any environment and on most surfaces. Talk to us about how we can work with you to bring a complete but gentle mind, body and soul labyrinth workout to everyone in your community, workplace, care or learning facility, place of worship, regardless of ethnicity, age or belief system.
Throughout history, labyrinths seem to re-emerge when they are most needed. We are in one of those periods now. Too many people are struggling with the unreal pace of life and the pressures of modern living. Labyrinths have no expectations, they don’t conflict with any belief system or culture. They actually go a long way to putting the Unity in CommUnity.
As a young country, New Zealand hasn’t featured in the global labyrinth story to date. There are more labyrinths in New Zealand than one might imagine, and many are on private property and so not readily accessible. You can find your nearest one at: www.labyrinthsnz.com
As more individuals, groups, communities discover the benefits of walking the labyrinth, the greater the need will be to build them. It’s really very simple to integrate labyrinths into town planning and public spaces. As they can be made from practically anything, they don’t need to be expensive.
A key consideration is the ongoing care and maintenance. If you enjoy and respect labyrinths, it can be quite disturbing to come across one that is “unloved” and no longer cared for. This can happen if for example a property is sold and the new owners have no interest in the labyrinth they’ve inherited.
Since their recent resurgence in the mid 1990s, labyrinths have become increasingly popular around the world in hospitals, aged care facilities, parks and gardens, civic centres, corporate buildings and so on. They can be indoors or outdoors and designed to perfectly blend in with the aesthetics of architecture. They can be formal or “organic” in both design and materials used.
Active Sage have the knowledge, and as time goes by, more and more expertise in bringing all kinds of labyrinths into the apparent world, for the overall benefit and spiritual wellbeing of the commUnity.
We are open to discussions around all aspects of labyrinths; from temporary and portable to permanent installations throughout New Zealand. Active Sage can scope a labyrinth project, incorporating uniquely original ideas and design, provide conceptual and high level presentations that share the vision with interested parties, and project manage the build process.
Active Sage have designed, developed and manufactured a range of superbly crafted, hand finished finger labyrinths. Available in natural wood such as beech or bamboo, and for the ultimate in smooth - clear plexiglass.
Now you can “walk” a labyrinth anytime from the comfort of your favourite armchair. Perfect for those stressful times when home or personal life or the pressure of work just gets “too much”. Life is full of challenges, stress and unexpected twists and turns. Illness, money worries, relationship issues, just being too busy. Take a few moments to refocus, centre and restore calm. The labyrinth is the ultimate tool for meditation and mindfulness.
Nothing to plug in, no medication, no permission required, just pick it up, state your intent and bare your soul to the universe.
Concerned about your child’s addiction to their devices? Are they so “wired” that they can’t focus or sleep? Struggling with attitude or behavioral issues, constantly worried and stressed out? Sitting quietly away from any digital devices, noise and distractions, a few moments with a finger labyrinth can make an amazing difference.
Active Sage finger labyrinths, mindfulness, tranquility and meditation at your fingertips.
We've made it very easy for you to own an Active Sage Finger Labyrinth. Click this panel to jump to our online store and choose from the available options. New materials and designs will be added from time to time. We accept all forms of payment and can ship our New Zealand designed and made products anywhere in the world.